
Talks, workshops, and events shaping this years event.

Wednesday, May 15th

8:00 - 8:45
Registration & Coffee
8:45 - 9:00
knowledge keeper
Lyndon linklater
welcome x tobacco offering
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8:45 - 9:45
Chief Experience Officer
How to XCAMP
Albert Jame, zu
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9:45 - 10:15
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10:15 - 11:00
AI, Future Creative
AI Will take your job... to a whole new level
Dré Labre, Design Fiction Daily

Far from being a job killer, AI is actually empowering human workforces and taking roles to "a whole other level." In this (A)eye-opening talk, Dré demonstrates how creative professionals and business teams alike are augmenting their capabilities with artificial intelligence.

Learn how writers leverage natural language AI to boost idea generation and increase productivity. See how designers use generative image models to rapidly visualize creative concepts. Find out how companies automate routine tasks to free up employees for higher-impact work through intelligent process automation.

The talk covers real-world examples of symbiotic human-AI collaboration. Dré strikes an optimistic tone about AI not replacing jobs but enhancing them. Attendees will gain an enriched perspective on integrating artificial intelligence into their workflows in a responsible yet transformational way.

You’ll leave with a framework and mindsets to understand AI not as a threat, but as a collaborator that elevates human potential and takes creative and professional roles “to a whole other level.”

Remai - Theatre
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11:00 - 11:15
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11:15 - 12:00
Voice of Customer Program Manager
Keeping a Customer First Mindset in a Metric Centric World
Raj Sivasubramanian, Airbnb

Advanced analytics tools and metrics have elevated the CX discipline over the last decade. The customer experience can now be quantified in a myriad of ways which has greatly increased the relevance of CX departments in the metric-centric world we live in.

However, CX metrics are a double- edged sword as an overfocus on trending metrics reduces customers to data points and can stifle true understanding of the customer experience. Too many organizations get stuck in this metric-centric trap and lose sight of why they started investing in CX in the first place.  And as a result, valuable customer feedback is wasted and nothing is done to improve the customer experience.

This session will help you recognize when an overfocus on metrics drives unproductive activity and cover a number of strategies to bring the customer experience to life and create empathy in an organization. You will learn how to balance a customer first mindset with metrics to drive truly customer-centric changes.

Remai - Theatre
12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
Alt - Cyan
Workshop: Stream #1
Practical Brainstorming frameworks
Albert Jame & Rachel Elson, zu

Tired of waiting for lightning to strike? Having problems pulling solutions out of thin air? Wait no more. Great ideas come from great processes for creativity. In this high energy workshop, we’ll roll up our sleeves and walk through various proven frameworks for brainstorming that you’ll be able to easily adopt into your next solution session.

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1:00 - 2:00
Alt - Indigo
Workshop: STream #2
Time-Travel Archeology Expedition
Dré Labre,

A hands-on workshop where participants will learn techniques to imagine harder about possible futures through developing design fiction artifacts in an improvisational manner.

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2:00 - 2:30
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2:30 - 3:15
Alt - Cyan Room
Xtalk: Stream #1
Jenna Landry, FCC

Follow FCC’s journey in developing an innovative customer feedback program to meet the evolving needs of a changing world.

Xtalk: STream #1
Design First, Develop Later
Rob Jones, Sandbox

Join Sandbox on its journey into the heart of innovation, where we unravel the power of design before development in technology projects.  Discuss how this strategic approach not only saves time and resources but also cultivates groundbreaking solutions that resonates with users on a profound level.

2:30 - 3:15
Alt - Indigo Room
xtalk: Stream #2
The state of digital identity and Credentials
Cosanna Preston, DTLab

Digital identity and credentials are a secure means to build trust online. They do this by proving the identity of an organization, person or thing, and/or by proving information about an organization, person or thing. Digital identity and credentials are key in reducing the risk of fraud and identity theft, and to ensuring Canadians and Canadian businesses can safely engage in the digital world.

In this session, you’ll learn:
Why you need to improve trust in your digital interactions/transactions, what digital credentials are and how to use them, and key considerations when using digital credentials.

xtalk: Stream #2
Pulling back the curtain on cx measurement
Grant Garner, SaskEnergy

Grant Garner will be sharing SaskEnergy’s journey on how it is progressing on measurement of Customer Experience using customer standards, dashboards, and customers themselves to tell the story.

3:15 - 4:15
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4:15 - 7:00 after hours
The gather market
5:30 - 6:00
Fireside PANEL
The Gather Market Story
Jessica Gibson, Henry Downing
Depesh Parmar, Executive Director, Ideas Inc

Join us in Saskatoon’s brand new riverside destination, The Gather Market, as we listen to Executive Director Depesh Parmar and Architect, Jessica Gibson, discuss re-imagining what it means to be a community market and how to they approached an inclusive design.

6:00 - 6:45
Fireside PANEL
Tia Graham, Director of Innovation, SIIT
Emily Hurd, Regional Director, Sask Abilities
Lisa Mooney, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant
Leisha Grebinski, CBC Radio and Podcast Host

DEI has rapidly landed on everyone’s radar, but it’s much more than a consideration. Join leading voices in the DEI movement as they discuss how every organization needs to look at DEI and how to approach it properly.

7:00 + After After Hours
Bokeh at the Alt

Thursday, May 16th

7:45 - 8:30
Rise & Shine
Senior Facilitator & Meditation Guide
Mindfulness and intention setting
Candace Walz, OptimaHR

In our modern, fast-paced world, embracing mindfulness and setting intentions are vital components for nurturing well-being within the workplace and our personal lives. Join Candace as she shares her own transformative mindfulness journey, illuminates the profound benefits of a regular mindfulness practice, and takes participants through an intention-setting exercise they can use daily to cultivate calm and build resilience.

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9:00 - 9:45
Breakfast / Keynote
Partner & Chief Strategy Officer
The Strongest brands deliver the best cx
Jack Dayan, Full Punch

The best CX is built on a foundation of a killer brand experience, but your brand's cultural context has seen a seismic shift. Attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours have changed, and your brand needs to keep up. Jack hones in on these cultural shifts, and more importantly, how your brand must adapt to stay relevant.

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9:45 - 10:15
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10:15 - 11:00
Resident futurist
Design for emerging technologies
Jayar La Fontaine,

Bringing emerging technologies to market introduces unique challenges beyond the usual hurdles of product commercialization. Brands must navigate strong public emotions—from fear and distrust to hope and optimism—that these technologies provoke. These reactions can brand emerging technology as either a harbinger of doom or a beacon of a new era. This talk will explore case studies of technologies at various stages of commercialization. We’ll examine technologies that remain on the fringe and those that have been successfully integrated into everyday life, and look ahead to the search for extraordinary value amid the ongoing AI revolution. Along the way, we will extract lessons applicable to designing any product, service, or experience.

Remai - Theatre
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11:00 - 11:15
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11:15 - 12:00
VP, Design & Research
When Design Thinking Fails
Kai Haley, Alto Pharmacy

Design Sprints at one time were so popular they were considered a cure-all. Whenever people would talk about struggles with aligning a team on a shared vision, challenges with circular conversations, or the need to identify solutions to gnarly problems, Design Sprint facilitators were certain that if we could just get people to clear their calendars and get in a room together progress could be made. In the new landscape of remote work in-person collaboration is rare and expensive. What do we do now that these methodologies are not the most effective tool in our toolbox? In this talk we will explore what's next for Design Thinking and human centered design. Together, we'll uncover the tools for setting product visions, making faster decisions and delivering more innovative outcomes that truly unlock the power of design.

Remai - Theatre
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12:00 - 1:00
1:00 - 2:00
Alt - Cyan
Workshop: Stream #1
Reimagining Voice of Customer Programs for the Next Wave of CX
Raj Sivasubramian, Airbnb

CX as we know it is about to change dramatically and forward-looking organizations have already started embracing this next wave.  Surveys are on the way to becoming obsolete.  Common CX metrics like Net Promoter Score are coming under increased scrutiny. AI advances are enabling organizations to predict customer sentiment and behavior.

In this workshop, we will discuss this next wave of CX and cover some tactics that will enable you to better understand the experience of your entire customer base across the customer journey.

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1:00 - 2:00
Alt - Indigo
Workshop: Stream #2
Unlocking Innovation Through Effective Problem Framing
Kai Haley, Alto Pharmacy

Essential to any product visioning initiative is starting with the right problem to solve. The Sailboat exercise is one of my "go-to" frameworks for helping a team understand the problem space they are operating in and identify where to focus their efforts first. Whether you are starting with defining a higher level business goal or surfacing opportunities to explore entirely new business models this tool will help a team to determine the potential focus areas and accelerate decision making.

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2:00 - 2:30
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2:30 - 3:30
Alt - Indigo
Workshop: Stream #1
Speculative design for tomorrow's world
Aqeel Wahab & Jayar La Fontaine

In this workshop, we'll explore the exciting intersection of futures thinking and experience design by using the Futures Wheel—a creative tool for divergent speculation.

Through a guided exercise, we'll learn how to construct our own Futures Wheel and use it to generate insights into future trends, challenges, and opportunities. Then we'll do some creative exploration—designing products, services, or experiences for the world revealed by our Futures Wheel.

Whether you're a designer, innovator, or simply curious about shaping the future, this workshop will equip you with a powerful creative tool for navigating tomorrow's landscape.

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2:30 - 3:30
Alt -Cyan
Workshop: Stream #2
Magic moments and going down rabbit holes
Jasmine Palardy, The Good Future Co.

We can talk all we want about human-centred design and user experience, but if magic isn't part of your design equation, you're missing out on opportunities to choreograph moments that surprise, delight, and build trust. In the session, roll up your sleeves in an interactive lab aimed at unravelling the magic of moment-making. We'll tap into the science of delight and why exploring uncharted territory is not just adventurous - but beneficial.

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3:30 - 4:00
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4:00 - 4:45
The Design of Business
Roberta Barrington, zu
Zack Perkins, Vendasta
Justin Swedberg, SGI
Nicole Westerlund, Conexus

Join the discussion with key design leaders as they discuss the growing role of design in business and the emerging trends that every organization needs to hear.

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4:45 - 5:30
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5:30 +
xcamp Wrap
redesigning the employee experience
Jordan Boesch, 7Shifts
Miriam Johnson, WESK

Restaurant scheduling was just step one. Jordan Boesch, CEO of 7Shifts, shares his vision on shaking up the restaurant industry by empowering the workforce. Afterwards join us for post conference mingling at the new 7Shifts office for appetizers and drinks.

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